Detective Bureau
The Detective Bureau is the largest unit within the Detective Division and is responsible for the investigation of crimes committed in the City of Pawtucket. The Bureau is divided into geographical districts, East and West, with cases being assigned according to the location of the offense in the City.
Additionally, there is one detective assigned to investigate financial crimes, such as bad checks, credit card fraud, embezzlement, obtaining under false pretenses, etc.
Financial Crimes Unit
The Financial Crimes Unit currently consists of one detective who investigates all crimes related to financial gain through fraud. These crimes include credit card fraud, embezzlement, Counterfeiting, bank fraud, internet, check and mail scams, fraudulent checks, and identity theft.
Financial Crimes are currently assigned to Det. Doug Harrington who can be contacted at (401) 727-9100 Ext. 725.
If you believe you are a victim of identity theft you will need to take certain steps to alert the proper authorities:
- Report the incident to any local or state law enforcement officer immediately and file a police report
- Call the major credit reporting agencies and put a fraud alert on your account.
- Notify your bank or credit card company in the event your checks or credit cards were stolen and request that your accounts be closed
- Register a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Be prepared to fill out affidavits of forgeries for banks, credit grantors and recipients of stolen checks. Tel: (977) 438-4338.
- Contact the Social Security Office if someone is using your social security number to establish credit or new accounts. Tel: (800) 269-0271.
- Report the theft of your credit cards and request that your account be flagged to all three of the following companies:
If you believe you have been a victim of any other financial crime and the incident occurred within the City of Pawtucket you must FIRST file a police report with the patrol division prior to the FCU investigating. Please call the non-emergency telephone number @ 401-727-9100 to report the incident. If the crime happened outside the City of Pawtucket you must file a complaint where the incident took place. An example would be your credit card information being stolen (not your credit card) and purchases being made in Providence. You must file a complaint with the Providence Police Department. A second example would be your identity has been used to obtain a credit card in California. You may file a complaint with the Pawtucket Police, however, you must also file a complaint with California authorities.
Fraudulent Check "Bad Check" Policy
- Deposit the check through normal channels.
- If the check is returned due to insufficient funds (NSF) or any other reason except REFER TO MAKER or STOP PAYMENT, send a certified return receipt letter for demand of payment within seven (7) days. If the address is old make every effort to obtain an updated address and send the letter to that address.
- If the letter is accepted, you must wait seven (7) business days from the date accepted for restitution to be made. If restitution is not made, bring all the ORIGINAL paper to the police department. Be certain to include : check, certified return letter with envelope (sealed) and a copy of the letter.
- In the case of a STOP PAYMENT, send a certified return receipt letter stating that they have three (3) business days from the date of receipt either return the merchandise or make restitution.
The Pawtucket Police Department will not accept:
- Checks without positive identification of the check writer written on it (i.e. - Drivers license, id card, military id)
- 3rd party checks
- Checks for rent, services rendered, or repayment of loans
- The check must have been transacted in the City of Pawtucket.